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Showing posts from July, 2020


I see hypocrite everywhere,  a Christian talking about the corruption happening in government that Jesus recognized and yet does not have courage to ask his/her pastor why he/she keeps diverting trusted public funds for personal gains. And would demonize anyone who tries to ask questions?  What a bunch of hypocrite who knows what is right but too afraid to addressed. Allow their pastor to preach heresy's and yet come to address people who are pointing out the deliberate planned evil work, so that people can be delivered from the shackles. Hypocrite seat on the fence, let me make it clear here and now, I am not one of you and I can't be! Selah!

Be Bold

People that have had one on one rapport with me know, I have lost my sense of fear. But that was not always the story, the journey into fearlessness started in 2005. If you are really afraid of anything you are not in Christ yet.  Even if you must be afraid, let it be fear of God and God only and that is not even His approach. He want you to come bodly into His presence. Selah!

Collab Space Hub