Copyright: Seun Ayilara - +2348161688804
There is nothing good/bad that could affect you without your permission. Not many people know that Ignorance is also permission.
I am not creative, I am just different.
Avoiding failure is like avoiding a class because life delivers important lesson(s) to us via failure.
When the past and the present keep resisting the future, this is a major pointer to a retrogressive society.
Warning: Devil stop competing with me, you cant win. But even if you do (which is 'IMPOSSI-CAN'T). GOD wouldn't give you the TROPHY.
People can lie with their words. But not their actions, it's naturally configured to always tell the truth.
I only have two options. Is either I win or I win.
The experiential knowledge of the word of God = TESTIMONY
When there is no more sense to make. Keep the nonsense, don't let it out.
We need more Christians to get into character and stop analyzing the script.
English got this one right in alphabetical order. It is V before W. Vision before Wife.
When Grace speaks, works has no other choice, than to activate silent mode.
Direction makes destination predictable.
Don't be rational with your #imagination, there is no #bill attached to it.
So, He told us not to say what we feel but what heals that which we feel.
When Grace speaks, works has no other choice, than to activate silent mode.
What you celebrate would replicate itself.
Courage resides in the Heart and not in the Head.
It does not take God anything to do Everything
We not who we want to be yet, because we've not transformed from the person we've always being.
Several things would remain impossible, until someone decides to borrow from the bank of imagination.
History is to be documented, future is to be acted.
Vision/expectation dose not necessarily guarantee success but rendered the thought of absolute failure invalid.
The time to start molding started @ birth but, its never late to start now!
If it is clear in your mind, it would be easy to find.
Don't use eternity describing the obstacle, you don't want to forget the route to the solution.
Life respond to ponders!
What make STARS so special? Is that they shine, at the darkest hour.
It's not just about marrying (coming together) rather, let it be welding (becoming one).
Be deliberate about this, walk in your talk!
Only person(s), who sees cash in a Trash, should be referred to as resourceful.
What validate UP is DOWN
When LIFE put you in its place, don't stay there!
The 21st century miracle of the dimension of working on water is that we could construct bridges. #perspective
Sometimes we work with too many data that we tend to loose sight and miss interpret those that should be constant variables.
We all have options and most times the one we go with is not just the one that is available but the one we know so well.
Commentators and demonstrators might sound similar but not the same.
A king without a territory is no king. Go find yours!
Many reserve their best for tomorrow when today is still ON. Give today all you've got
The solutions we carry within become valid when the mistakes without has been fully deployed.
Take a good look at it, your shadow can actually tell who you are.
If Life is not making the Tic-Tac sound, then it is probably not counting.
Failures got the mind but lack the guts.
You want to make the News paper headline do something nasty, but if you want to make the life book, do something positive.
It is alot easier to give your best, when you have it. Go get your best!
The availability of a manual indicates that the product and the producer exist.
If you miss the way, you'll miss the journey.
Life at no risk, is a life of no gain
If all you could ever have dreamt of is now, what then will be your dream for the future?
I live to see someone wins, and until that person wins, I can't be referred to as a winner
The belief that the person on the other side is wrong, this itself is wrong.
For everyone who have ever told you that you can do it, keep trying, they've only lied to you. The truth is that you can only do it when you've resolved to get it done.
Not many are interested in your past, and only few will want to be in your present, but all will definitely want to share/feature in your future.
Not all mistakes you can erase! For a primary school student eraser will work for such, but for a top executive...
I can't predict how far you can go, but I know you can go far, if you keep moving.
My role is not to conquer but to lift the whole WORLD.
All I ever wanted I thought it's here on earth, but now realize all is actually in Heaven.
Many at times we are guilty of the things that we rebuke.
People that can live in the present with you, but more also believe and share in your future are your truest friends.
The problem is not only that, we don't know who we are. But that we do not also know who we are not to become.
Even though I never see my self this far, I have always believe it is possible.
You really do not have a choice or do you? Than to start living
People can only change what they eat, but can't stop eating
Thinking it before Inking it connote wisdom.
Life without a Journey is one without an Honey.
If I don't like your post that's because you are not making sense, update it today and start making sense.
What determines a man's name is one thing his parent, what determines his future is one thing also his DECISION.
Inner Force is required for Outer Performance.
Pictures preserve two things; the Past & Future
To take that step/decision most time you may have to block your ears and eyes.
The lost of primary priorities will make the secondary irrelevant.
Where you are going is a Place, what will determine the length is your Pace. Place - L = Pace
If there is nothing New, then nothing is In-view.
We can make that change when we are ready to be that change
Action script: A script without an Action will remain a text and Action without script will continue to give error, But the combination of Action + Script = Program/Success
We are never going to be who we dream of becoming, not until we have been able to discover who we already are.
By sticking with an option, we make others irrelevant.
Doing helps the wordings
Give your words life by doing them
People who meddle in the physical don't normally get into the spiritual
All I ever WANTED is to be WANTED!
Knowing determines glowing
What will determine if TODAY is ever going to be different from the previous is in how you live it
Go ahead and do something crazy or new but make sure is for the good of all.
What we face in Africa Today is traceable to the deeds of Africans of Yesterday. And what Africa will look like Tomorrow depends on the doings of Africans of Today.
....when managing crisis becomes critical.
We are not far from what we criticize.
The people you Train will forever be in your Train.
If all we can do is to cheer then we've done something
I don't know how far a man can go, but I am sure he will cover miles with cheers
Life without a model is life without a mode
If I leave you, you miss and if you leave me you also miss. Which ever way it is you miss
If all that we've ever aspired to be is SELF, then we need to re-aspire.
If you found out that the day is no longer enough, please don't hesitate to make use of the night too.
If all that we have were given then all can be stolen. But if all that we have were built then nothing can actually be taken.
Who we are is not define by what we do not have, but what we have, both the expressed and yet to be
You can't beat a man out of his will, but definitely can inspire him to help you fulfil yours too.
Life is Enclosed and people who must have IT, first have to Unenclosed themselves.
Motivation can either be positive or negative, and I think the two has there place
Disagreeing with people's ideology without hating/limiting their personality is what is truly called maturity
Question the motives too and not just the decision
Why I love Social Media. I constantly have access to minimum of 100 minds daily plus their books, mentors, backgrounds, experiences, minds, attitude, zeal, success, failures, strengths, weaknesses, wealth, influence, network, etc
I am less concern by WHAT is facing us, more bothered by WHO is facing it
If all you do (as a parent, teacher, ceo etc.) is to shout on people to get your desired result then you are a LEARNER
Don't look for the Future. First thing first, find yourself in your Today
I will not blame you for making a wrong decision, rather celebrate you and encourage you to making positive ones. Because you got the guts for (at least) making decision
Christianity should have solved our differences but what we have is multiplied divisions (denomination)
We might never be able to do all that we want, just because we want to ensure that our decisions and actions connote who we are.
Christians need to arise, the problem is not the darkness that is around us, but the light that we have withing us that we've switched off
In a world where everybody and everything is demanding for our attention, who and what gets it is definitely the most important.
The Church will be less bothered by Boko-Haram when we start making National relevance
Our prayer is so full of request that we forget to remember that it is a conversation (Drama or Dialogue) and not a Playlet (Monologue)
Our religious leaders can change the face of this country, only if they want to Pastor Sunday Adelaja did it in ukraine and Martin Luther king Jnr in USA. The question is where is our own Moses?
We don’t want to jump, because we are afraid of height, and we don't want to run also less we slip, but I will advice we learn how to crawl. What really should be a case of concern is that we are moving and it is towards the right direction
A mission-less life is a meaning-less one
When prayers are flying curses are inevitably dismiss
Mediocrity is telling others to do something you have never tried
Absence of God's mind may cause Man to miss it even in the month of May (Grace)
Everyone needs ATTENTION in the midst of TENSION
When a man is not THERE yet, he questions if THERE truly exist
The job of social media is to help you convey your thoughts and feelings per-time to a larger audience. If what you are about to post is not the true representation of who you are please stop and don't post it.
Any time you are STUCK know that, is time for you to increase or improve your STOCKS
Don't FOLLOW him that is SHALLOW!
The more answers you can provide from WITHIN, the closer you are to FREEDOM!
We have the power to LIVE our LIFE, some RULE it others ENSLAVE it. How you LIVE yours is absolutely your CHOICE
Do it better, Leave it better, even if you have to die doing it, make sure you do.
When we all want to be right at same time, we are only calling for one thing and it is 'CRISIS'
Anytime we, I mean man decide to compete. God smiles, and He whispers to His angel "See the god I made in my image trying to become a man"
When a man is Christ-less, life for him will be full-less
Happy New You!
We are what we need
We are who we are looking
We are what we seek
Yes we are that we call ourselves
We are Gods.
When God is out of man's life then he is just a higher animal (Homo sapiens) and when God is actively present then Man is God. You are Gods.
I smile, if smile can't solve it then, I laugh
I have got to be responsible for my Life. The truth is that I can't blame anybody for my mistakes.
Indeed life is cheap. I now have a clear understanding about the statement. The Israelite prayed for their messiah but I did not pray for my own in person of Jesus Christ the son of God.
I have made up my mind to follow my own light, that I Seun Ayilara have gotten through the Inspiration of God, if it leads me to darkness I'll still laugh at the end, but I am sure of one thing that 'Light can’t give birth to darkness and that my destination in God is secure than anything else' That I am sure about is my Destination!!
My Job is to confess, how it will happen, when it will happen is no longer my job and I am not ready to start bothering myself.
What you KNOW, we will soon KNOW, from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
I can't struggle not because the road is rosy but because the blood has been shared for me and has caused the ground to flourish for my sake.
If Life has not deliver her best to you what is the point about, Resting has no meaning, now you know why I am restless.
Don't ask me to start searching, because I already found what I should be looking for.
If all that you've been pursuing will not bring a smile to someone's face PLEASE STOP IT.
There is enough problem to correct if you can’t BE THE SOLUTION DON'T ADD TO IT.
Mention a great Nation then, I will show you a Great People
You can't control people's thought but can definitely control (their ACTION to YOU) through your own thought. Think right about people and they will be right to you.
Can a passenger stop a car from moving without the consent of the driver? You own your life, no one has the power to stop you without your approval. so, be in control of your life and drive towards your preferable destination.
We are in a world where living to impress is LEGAL, don't join the bandwagon of such people because most times it might push you to do nasty things. You have your own WORLD you are in it, live it to the fullest of your own satisfaction.
Putting a Pen on Paper requires a sensible brain
You can't intimidate me with your gun; I also have the Bible and the Word of God to point at you
Life has no respect for people living in the past.
Life needs your touch of existence to be better that is why you are born
The greatest investment is to invest in People; No wonder God invested His only son in us. It might not pay off immediately but is an investment that the dividend is sure.
Life can't get better without better People
Do you know why Life doesn't give us what we deserve but what we demand? Because it does not wants to limit us.
Go for the best, Aim at the Top.
Don't limit the Giant in You!
Life will never gives you what you've not laid claim of. Never will she give you!!!
The Night is not created for sleep, but a time to work differently. #time-to #think #meditate #study #strategies #pray
Contentment is not settling for the least or not running at all. It is simply; running your own race, keeping yourself on your own lane and feeling satisfied with the progress you are making per time. While you approach your own finish line.
Look for your RING! You need one to become a KING.
If indeed, Life is a moving train, then knowledge is progressive.
I don't want to wake up tomorrow to see today.
DOT is commonly use to end something, don't DOT your life yet, you might want to give it a space but don't DOT it yet.
Doesn't matter whose mouth's sense is coming out from, what does is the sense itself.
Criticize the act and not the man
Anyone who set up or innovates a path and is able to get people's willingness to pace in it is a 'Leader'.
Turning Kids into Kings should be the primary job of every parent.
The fact that our ideology sometimes contradicts shouldn't make us enemies. It's only an indication that we are creative beings.
Whoever came up with the statement 'Customer is King' never considered scarcity.
Faith is simply jumping from heights and believing that the parachute activation button won't disappoint.
How I attracted you in the first place? It's because there is something in me that is in you also. Which kept dialling your line, how it ever got your number is still a question I have no answer to.
The past is already documented and the present is taking shape with every moment, but the future is always in-view.
The true essence of books or studying can be likened to what a mirror does
Untamed boldness is arrogance
I am not there but would not die here
Ownership of words is the reason, only few of us truly keep and respect our words. If you won't keep yours, it's probably not yours.
There is no better Eraser for the past than a good use of the present
Some of us look forward to daybreak, while others just desire sunset
Tenacity bores failure.
This thing is like a cloth #pride, when you eventually drops it. It feels like you're naked.
Your Look is your hook!
A time will come when we will no longer care if we can fly, but if others too can.
Life could have been lot smoother, if your role wasn't going to be needed
If you truly want to help a man, then you help his guts
(Don't blame me, is not my fault. - Losers I am sorry about the error, I am working towards rectifying it. - Winners).
You don't know when you will be declared as the winner, so you don't want to risk your victory..... Don't Give Up!
To be Spiritual is to understand that God is everywhere
Success demands that you do EXTRA after the ORDINARY has failed
The Fastest way to go to the Sky is to go through the Ground
If you were never in the Picture (story), you may not partake in the Pasture (luxury)
If it was not Possible It wouldn't have been visible
Passion is Personal
You are born to do well, never to imagine the possibility of failing. The truth is this, there are people that have failed, but you can't fail.
We are what we see
Champions got the Clue, they know what to do, believe that the clue will work for them and they finally apply the clue and in return success as expected.
We were not made in God's image just for the fun of belonging to His specie, but to help someone out there to know how God looks like.
You are Gods, don't fight it even if you are finding it difficult to believe.
It is not enough to discern if you will not apply, which means that in business Ideas will never be enough without strategic work or action.
A carefully applied thought of yesterday makes the difference today
Flame yourself and you will fire-up others or put others ablaze.
Give more attention to the one that can make the building than the building itself
The Outstanding of life is in the people that are still Standing
Our been God is not by election is by appointment!
If HOPE has gone, a LIFE has been lost
Living a life of continuous improvement is not a choice is a law.
Knowing the mind of a God like you is a great achievement
Anytime you get stuck, just know that you've run out of IDEAS!
If only you can touch Life a little more positively, Life will have no choice rather than to touch you back.
Without People there will be no you, so you know what friend? Treat them right.
Life respect people that are brave.
Copyright: Seun Ayilara
Contentment is not settling for the least or not running at all. It is simply; running your own race, keeping yourself on your own lane and feeling satisfied with the progress you are making per time. While you approach your own finish line.
Look for your RING! You need one to become a KING.
If indeed, Life is a moving train, then knowledge is progressive.
I don't want to wake up tomorrow to see today.
DOT is commonly use to end something, don't DOT your life yet, you might want to give it a space but don't DOT it yet.
Doesn't matter whose mouth's sense is coming out from, what does is the sense itself.
Criticize the act and not the man
Anyone who set up or innovates a path and is able to get people's willingness to pace in it is a 'Leader'.
Turning Kids into Kings should be the primary job of every parent.
The fact that our ideology sometimes contradicts shouldn't make us enemies. It's only an indication that we are creative beings.
Whoever came up with the statement 'Customer is King' never considered scarcity.
Faith is simply jumping from heights and believing that the parachute activation button won't disappoint.
How I attracted you in the first place? It's because there is something in me that is in you also. Which kept dialling your line, how it ever got your number is still a question I have no answer to.
The past is already documented and the present is taking shape with every moment, but the future is always in-view.
The true essence of books or studying can be likened to what a mirror does
Untamed boldness is arrogance
I am not there but would not die here
Ownership of words is the reason, only few of us truly keep and respect our words. If you won't keep yours, it's probably not yours.
There is no better Eraser for the past than a good use of the present
Some of us look forward to daybreak, while others just desire sunset
Tenacity bores failure.
This thing is like a cloth #pride, when you eventually drops it. It feels like you're naked.
Your Look is your hook!
A time will come when we will no longer care if we can fly, but if others too can.
Life could have been lot smoother, if your role wasn't going to be needed
If you truly want to help a man, then you help his guts
(Don't blame me, is not my fault. - Losers I am sorry about the error, I am working towards rectifying it. - Winners).
You don't know when you will be declared as the winner, so you don't want to risk your victory..... Don't Give Up!
To be Spiritual is to understand that God is everywhere
Success demands that you do EXTRA after the ORDINARY has failed
The Fastest way to go to the Sky is to go through the Ground
If you were never in the Picture (story), you may not partake in the Pasture (luxury)
If it was not Possible It wouldn't have been visible
Passion is Personal
We are what we see
Champions got the Clue, they know what to do, believe that the clue will work for them and they finally apply the clue and in return success as expected.
We were not made in God's image just for the fun of belonging to His specie, but to help someone out there to know how God looks like.
You are Gods, don't fight it even if you are finding it difficult to believe.
It is not enough to discern if you will not apply, which means that in business Ideas will never be enough without strategic work or action.
A carefully applied thought of yesterday makes the difference today
Flame yourself and you will fire-up others or put others ablaze.
Give more attention to the one that can make the building than the building itself
The Outstanding of life is in the people that are still Standing
Our been God is not by election is by appointment!
If HOPE has gone, a LIFE has been lost
Living a life of continuous improvement is not a choice is a law.
Knowing the mind of a God like you is a great achievement
Anytime you get stuck, just know that you've run out of IDEAS!
If only you can touch Life a little more positively, Life will have no choice rather than to touch you back.
Without People there will be no you, so you know what friend? Treat them right.
Life respect people that are brave.
Copyright: Seun Ayilara
This is thoughtful