God was forced to work with the 4 leapers to bring His agender to manifest, not because they were the best he could use but because they were the ones available. What then is the first lesson we must understand: Become available. Availability is what God would require, to be present or to show up might be enough or to say I will be different I will stand for the truth is all might create the difference. Another interesting part of this story is the courage that these incapacitated beings displayed to face their most oversized fear heads on. These were leapers yet they had the courage some of us would never discover the reality till we die (to face once death). But the angle I want to look at it is the role of people who have helped them shape this perspective of theirs. Meaning, one way or the other courage had been taught to them a system of believers in their time must have done their work to have influence, common leapers, with this ideology. And that explains our major ...