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Showing posts from January, 2015

The Out cry of the Nigerian Voters

Ownership vs Fulfillment

In our experience as an interior design firm, many a times we come up with design solutions for client's spaces and then when it comes to executing these designs we hear statements like "it's a rented apartment/facility, we'll execute this as soon as we acquire ours" or other statements depicting a similar meaning.We will be wrong to criticize/condemn our highly esteemed clients as their school of thought is valid when u look at it from the 'Ownership' perspective, however, we have come to realize this is a thought pattern that need to be cross-examined by what we call the 'Fulfillment' perspective. This is the point we are driving at " being a tenant does not in anyway tamper with ur value as a person, as a matter of fact u r adding value to the house/facilty owner in some ways(this sounds 'unNigerian' though,*laffs). You are a man/woman of value and this should rub off on everything you come in conta ct with, including the spac...

Vote For a good Driver #2015Election

Pastor Sam Adeyemi said this on Sunday and I think it is valid. Why are we disturbing ourselves about who should drive this car (Nigeria) when we've not agreed on where we are going? Paraphrase: Where we are going is far more important than who should drive us there! Meaning if Nigerians (Christian/Muslims, Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa) will agree about whether this country as a vehicle should move us towards development, until then the driver is irrelevant. The truth is that if we can agree on our destination, the job of the driver becomes cheaper, which anyone, sensible or with a clue of what it takes to set a car in motion can do.


Happy New Year #make2015count