In our experience as an interior design firm, many a times we come up with design solutions for client's spaces and then when it comes to executing these designs we hear statements like "it's a rented apartment/facility, we'll execute this as soon as we acquire ours" or other statements depicting a similar meaning.We will be wrong to criticize/condemn our highly esteemed clients as their school of thought is valid when u look at it from the 'Ownership' perspective, however, we have come to realize this is a thought pattern that need to be cross-examined by what we call the 'Fulfillment' perspective.
This is the point we are driving at " being a tenant does not in anyway tamper with ur value as a person, as a matter of fact u r adding value to the house/facilty owner in some ways(this sounds 'unNigerian' though,*laffs). You are a man/woman of value and this should rub off on everything you come in conta
ct with, including the space u work/live in, whether owned or rented". That's a simple truth that will create the balance between the 'Ownership & 'Fulfillment' perspectives.
Feets & Inches will be pleased to help u make the best out of ur space (home, office etc) by providing simple & innovative design solutions that won't make u go bankrupt.
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