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Showing posts from January, 2022

❤ *Laugh Out Loud! (L.O.L). . .*

Laughter is an expression of silliness. . No serious mind in all sense of seriousness. . . . should be found laughing like a buffoon. . Yet, sometiimes we need to break the cocoon. . . .just to Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! "Who will crown (👑) a clown (🤡) in town?" So the saying goes in our common world. . But, in an uncommon sense, the clowns (🤡). . . .are not just crowned, they own the world. . So, . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! When life beats an uncommon sound. . The Sage says, "go for the rebound. . . .and dance to the rhythm in an uncommon style. ." When everything is becoming unbecoming in file. . . . rock on with your gum of bubbles. . . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play. . my people. The tension of life is crazy enough. . . .it needs no extension with the cough that handcuffs. . Switch to the comic side of life to renew. . . .your facial muscles need new sinews. . . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! Sometimes, it pay...

Elimination Method

  Books and elementary maths has taught me, the principle of arriving at final answer through elemination method. Sometimes we don't know what it is we should be about, but most of the times we know what it is we shouldn't be about. Elimination method says you can start from what is not then in no time be left with what it is, or what is left is obviously what it is. Books would help you be able to know that there is more to you. Growing up my environment never had answers to some of the issues facing it. So, I decided long time ago I was going to go against my environment (using the elimination method). Observe what the poor are about and do the opposite. Look at what the religious do without product of a righteous society and do the opposite. See what the charlatans on the pulpit are doing and will do opposite. infact, growing up in third world country without technology as at then, elimination method has helped me carve my niche and also not end up as the problem in the pr...

Christians in Office

If demons and the devil still exist in your prayer points there is a great chance that you don't know Christ yet. I was in a meeting where Leke alder said that "his child started casting out demons at age 2" and I had to explain a similar thing to my wife I started casting out demons while I was about 2 years in faith as a Christian. When I actually still don't know what a demon looks like. When a traffic controller stops you, do you ask for his/her resumption date or do you simply just follow the instruction? You obey right? Authority has little to do with the person involved but with the office, such a person occupies/represents. The conversation between demons shouldn't be with you if truly you are and know Christ. It is with Christ and Christ alone. I know you still don't believe it because the charlatans you follow have done serious damage to this message, so let me share this experience with you. There was a day I was going to work and most times I delib...

Shallow Minds

When the charlatans gather you in the name of Christ to kill the people, Christ died for. When workers of darkness in Christ uniforms are happy that a sinner had died even when Heaven is not, because the resources of Christ had just gone to a waste. When the ones you are suppose to love becomes your enemy and the ones you are to resist becomes your leaders. When you think the love of Christ can be used to execute Moses "eye for an eye" judgement. You are shallow when you follow a wolf that is not interested in the redemption of your soul, society and Nation. From the time you've been killing your enemy till now, is there positive effect on your life, family and Nation? You and the charlatans partnerships to keep using Christ resources to kill the ones He died for can only reveal to me that you are: "shallow minds". Only shallow minds would try to build life, society and Nation with hate rather than love.