Laughter is an expression of silliness. . No serious mind in all sense of seriousness. . . . should be found laughing like a buffoon. . Yet, sometiimes we need to break the cocoon. . . .just to Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! "Who will crown (👑) a clown (🤡) in town?" So the saying goes in our common world. . But, in an uncommon sense, the clowns (🤡). . . .are not just crowned, they own the world. . So, . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! When life beats an uncommon sound. . The Sage says, "go for the rebound. . . .and dance to the rhythm in an uncommon style. ." When everything is becoming unbecoming in file. . . . rock on with your gum of bubbles. . . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play. . my people. The tension of life is crazy enough. . . .it needs no extension with the cough that handcuffs. . Switch to the comic side of life to renew. . . .your facial muscles need new sinews. . . .just Laugh Out Loud like a child at play! Sometimes, it pay...