If demons and the devil still exist in your prayer points there is a great chance that you don't know Christ yet.
I was in a meeting where Leke alder said that "his child started casting out demons at age 2" and I had to explain a similar thing to my wife I started casting out demons while I was about 2 years in faith as a Christian. When I actually still don't know what a demon looks like.
When a traffic controller stops you, do you ask for his/her resumption date or do you simply just follow the instruction? You obey right? Authority has little to do with the person involved but with the office, such a person occupies/represents.
The conversation between demons shouldn't be with you if truly you are and know Christ. It is with Christ and Christ alone.
I know you still don't believe it because the charlatans you follow have done serious damage to this message, so let me share this experience with you. There was a day I was going to work and most times I deliberately maximize such time by listening to messages, one of the messages in my playlist was "who needs deliverance" by Charlatan D K. Olukoya. That day I felt like I should go for deliverance after the message, the spirit in me had to caution me about such a message. In fact, that was the last time I ever listened to that charlatan that has commercialized devil and demon.
See life would happen to us, for everything under the sun has time, but as a Christian attributing the time you are going through to Devil is a pointer to you running short on the message of Christ which is based on Love and Truth.
All authorities are now with you don't be deceived by charlatans that are profiting from your ignorance on this matter.
Your Role: just like the traffic controller - accept your job offer and know the role and responsibility of the office you now represent.
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