How Israel walked their way into over 400 years of slavery the mistake the present day Isreal has learnt from. Genesis 47
How Israel walked their way into over 400 years of slavery the mistake the present day Isreal has learnt from. Genesis 47
In Genesis 41 Pharaoh had a dream about the economic recession that would later be world scale in Genesis 47
An Israeli technocrat (Joseph) provided the solution that would later be the game changer for Pharaoh.
So the recession became severe, Joseph made attempt to safe his family. Jacob (The individual Israel) relocated to Goshen and abandoned Canaan.
Why should they be bothered? After all their brethren was doing well in Egypt.
So Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for the king. Every Egyptian sold Joseph his field, because the hunger was very great. So the land became the king’s. And Joseph made the people slaves from one end of Egypt to the other. The only land he did not buy was the land the PRIESTS owned. They did not need to sell their land because the king paid them for their work. So they had money to buy food.
Genesis 47:20-22 ICB
Who were the priests and who do think are the contemporary priests?
Clue: Business owners
Isreal slavery activated.
A new Pharaoh emerged, and didn't care about who Joseph was. Exodus 1:8
So, the present day Isreal:
They no longer abandon their lands (infact they took this to the extreme, they now wage war for it).
Unlike Jacob they are no longer individualistics.
Then an average Jew is not looking for jobs, rather create jobs
Note: They still migrate till date, but they no longer migrate like Jacob did.
Genesis Chapter 39 to Exodus Chapter 1
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