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National Achievers Congress 2012 - Coming to San Jose
You're the First "in the know"
Now be the First to Grab Your Ticket!
Special Earlybird Ticket Release TODAY
Dear Friends of Rich Dad,

If you've heard the rumors… Yes, the news is official – we're proud to participate in the National Achievers Congress in San Jose... the Biggest Event of the Year.

Today is also the Official Ticket Release – with Earlybird Specials for those who
Act Quickly

Before we break down the Ticket Classes – Let me tell you more about this unprecedented event.

This is a coup that 'trumps' anything before. The World's highest profile, heaviest hitters on the global stage today are appearing in San Jose, 10th – 12th April, 2012 including:

Donald Trump
– The Multi-Billionaire, One-Man Brand & Mega-successful entrepreneur

Anthony Robbins – The World's Undisputed #1 Peak Performance Coach

Robert Kiyosaki – The wealth powerhouse behind the 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' phenomenon

PLUS: A full program of world-leading speakers will be released in the coming weeks.
Together they'll give you the unique and unparalleled edge to not just achieve greater success but enjoy extraordinary success.


Ticket Class
Price Now
General Admission to the event

FREE Upgrade to VIP

  • VIP admission to the event
  • VIP Seating allocation
Door Price $495
Pay only $195
Save $300

Book Diamond Now
  • Best Seats in the house
  • Access to Diamond Lounge - Free WiFi, Concierge, Barista & more
  • Lunch each day with key speakers
  • Q & A Power Talk Session with Donald Trump
  • Exclusive Product Pack
Door Price $2995

Pay Only $995

Save $2000
Book Diamond Now

Donald, Tony and Robert are unquestionably goliaths in their fields. They're all quite different but have one important thing in common – they know that the secret to success is in your mind… how you think.

If you know Donald, you know he's never been shy about achievement – he believes that if you do well, you should live well. But he also believes the mindset of extraordinary achievement can be learned.

And the best way to learn is to join the world's leaders in achievement.

You have the opportunity to make your success extraordinary – and what you've learned just now is about this year's Biggest Event and Biggest Opportunity - you do not want to miss this.

To your success,

The Rich Dad Company

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