■Don’t ever allow the record of your adversary to scare you. Always rely on your capability and belief in yourself.
■When things turn bad or contrary to plan, don’t lose your head. Be positive and things will finally turn in your favour.
■Don’t be in a hurry to write yourself off because you made mistake.
■The strongest giant do fail, if in doubt, ask Messi.
■Your perception at times determines the result you get. Messi never scored against Chelsea, no wonder he wasted a penalty.
■Even when the opposition is more powerful than you are, never lose sight of the ultimate goal. With the goal in mind, a nine man team can deliver the needed result.
■Always remember that it’s not over until the final whistle is blown.
■The fact that you are down does not mean you cannot rise again. “Let him that thinketh he stands; take heed, least he falls.” “My enemies rejoice not over me, when I fall, I will rise again.”
■Understand that the tide do change just as the pendulum keep swinging.
■It’s either you take your chances or regret later.
■Success is a function of so many factors, all the mix must work in your favour for you to celebrate.
■The fact that a particular problem has always defeated you does not mean the trend will continue. Do your homework and the tide will change.
■Concentrate on the now while dreaming of the future. A bird at hand worth more than several others in the bush.
■The crown does not last forever.
■Finally, only God last forever. Never lose sight of this as He will not share His glory
Author: Ayilara Abisoye Temitayo
Email: powerforwisdom@yahoo.com Phone: 2348086328530
Facebook: http://facebook.com/
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