What's worse than a depression?
October 28, 2010, 4:44 am richricher
Is the crisis over? Is the economy recovering? These are questions I'm often asked.
"Is the crisis over?"
"Is the economy recovering?"
are questions I'm often asked. People who ask such questions are
praying for a "V-shaped" recovery, hoping that the worst is over and
that we're on our way to economic recovery.
experts say that we're in a "U-shaped" recovery, meaning the recovery
will take longer, maybe another two to three years. Others fear a
"W-shaped recovery," a double dip, which could result in another crash
before full recovery. Some experts are calling for a zombie recovery
similar to the Japanese economy's 20-year stagnation.
also a growing chorus of experts who are warning of our greatest fear, a
depression either in the form of hyperinflation like the German Weimar
Republic experienced in the 1920s, or a deflationary depression like the
Great Depression. A depression would be devastating, but could there be
something worse than a depression?
The answer is, "Yes." There could be an economic collapse.
Near Miss
In 2008 my friend and author of The Dollar Crisis and The Corruption of Capitalism,
Richard Duncan, called me and said, "The global credit card system
almost shut down. Can you imagine what would've happened to the world
economy if the credit card system failed? We came very close."
is not an alarmist. He's a classically trained economist, a graduate of
Vanderbilt University and Babson College, and a former advisor to both
the IMF and the World Bank. He has access to information most of us
don't. He's a reserved, clear-thinking, soft-spoken person. For over a
year now, Richard's words have been ringing in my ears.
me, the key word is system. For something to collapse, not all systems
have to shut down. In most cases, just one system is enough. For
example, the human body is a system of systems. If just one system, such
as the cardiovascular system, shuts down, death follows. The same is
true for an automobile. If the fuel system shuts down, the car is
inoperable even though the other systems may all be in good order.
of us go about our days in blissful ignorance that an economic collapse
could happen at any moment should one of our financial systems - like
the credit card system - collapse. Our global economy is much more
fragile than many of us realize.
world is made up of systems, systems often competing against one
another. For instance, BP's latest gusher in the Gulf brought home the
fragile relationship between the world's eco and economic systems. The
environmentalists say capitalism is killing our oceans, air, land, and
forests. Capitalists argue that they provide food, fuel, and building
materials for a growing world.
Because the world is made up of systems in conflict, it's not only uncommon (but, rather, normal) to see systems collapse.
is full of economic collapses from the Roman Empire to Weimar Germany
to, most recently, Iceland. Economic collapses most often precede the
collapse of empires.
In families, if the
breadwinners lose their jobs, the family economy often collapses. We
should not be surprised when collapses happen. Rather, we should be
surprised they don't happen more often.
As you may
have already guessed, a minor collapse can create a ripple effect that
may cause a domino effect of bigger crashes. This is why Greece was such
a hot issue. If Greece failed, it might have taken the mighty German
and French economies down. This would have caused an economic tsunami
and collapsed the world economy. Jared Diamond's Collapse is a
great book for history buffs of collapses. Diamond traces the causes
that led to the fall of civilizations such as the Maya, Easter Island,
the Anasazi Indian tribe of Arizona and Utah, the environmental and
economic collapse going on in Montana today, and more. The book reads
like a murder mystery. It's easy to read, disturbing, frightening - and
hard to put down. Looking into the history of collapses, we see many
parallels to today.
And, it seems to me, we know
this intuitively. Our pop culture is becoming obsessed with apocalyptic
stories. There are more and more movies about what would happen to our
world after a collapse. The latest are 2012, The Road, and The Book of Eli. There is a new TV series titled The Colony
that is created on the same theme. Even TV commercials are picking up
on the post-apocalyptic world. Bridgestone tires runs a commercial about
a rogue gang of dark and dangerous looking thugs stopping a car on a
steep mountain road demanding, "Your Bridgestones or your life." The
driver throws out a gorgeous, sexy, long-legged young woman, turns
around and drives off with the thugs screaming, "Your life, not your
Judging History
So the question
becomes, if the world's economic systems are so fragile, and if
collapses are common in a world of competing systems, why are we not
talking more about the possibility of collapse? Obviously our leaders
don't want us talking or thinking about that. And they try hard to frame
the discussion so we don't.
Most people would
agree (including many historians) that the best way to anticipate the
future is to study the past. But what if our version of history is
wrong? What if our history is distorted to sell an agenda? After all,
the word "history" is made up of two words: his and story.
Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Princeton University scholar of the Great
Depression, often says that the depression could have been averted if
only the government had printed more money. That's his story, but that's
not what history says. After the crash of 1929, FDR was elected in
1933. He immediately took the U.S. off the gold standard through the
Emergency Banking Act and introduced his New Deal. This allowed him to
print more money and rack up huge amounts of national debt. At first it
seemed that FDR's plan was working.
Yet in 1938
there was a "depression within the depression." Economic output
collapsed and the unemployment rate rose from 14.3% to 19%, in the face
of a year-over-year decline from the peak of 24.9% in 1933.
proves Bernanke's claim (that FDR didn't print enough money) to be
wrong. This is what Roosevelt's Secretary of the Treasury, Henry
Morgenthau, wrote in his diary in May 1939: "We have tried spending
money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does
not work. And I have just one interest, and now if I am wrong, somebody
else can have my job. I want to see this country prosper. I want to see
people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never
made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this
administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started.
And enormous debt to boot."
World War II broke out
in 1939 and many people credit that war with saving the economy. While
the war did boost the recovery, it was the Bretton Woods Agreement,
signed in 1944, that put the world back on the gold standard, which
stabilized the global economy.
Back to the Future
1971 President Richard Nixon took the world off the gold standard. Here
we are again on the edge of a new depression. After the last
depression, America emerged as the richest creditor nation in the world.
Because our homeland wasn't bombed like the European countries, we had
factories exporting products to a world rebuilding from the war.
leaders like Ben Bernanke want to rewrite history. They want us to
believe that spending and debt are the solution. They want us to buy
their version of history and continue to get deeper and deeper into
debt. They want us to trust that printing more money will pull us out of
our great recession.
True history speaks a
different story. It speaks of collapse when a nation or empire
overextends itself. The true fear should not be a depression or a
double-dip recession. It should be an economic collapse. You can only
tip the system so many times before it falls completely apart.
America is the biggest debtor nation in the world. Our factories have
moved overseas. Now we're net importers paying our bills and fighting
two wars with counterfeit money as our leaders use the same accounting
rules WorldCom and Enron used - and as you know, those companies no
longer exist.
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