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Happy Easter

Matt 6:33 - This is how i see it:
I have tried assembling a system by myself before, but I must confess that I do not desire a repeat of such experience. The issue I first had to contend with was sourcing for components or chips, which may not even be compatible with the mother board (Big Vision).

So, after everything I somehow regretted not buying hp or dell, because their price is equally worth the stress.

Matthew 6: 33 knew, that just like the system I was trying to build, that we (humans ) equally need components or chips (wealth, health, security, wisdom etc) to function.
And here is Matthews' advice, to go to the manufacturer rather than sourcing for the components on our own.

The question is, how many of those components can we source for on our own and at what cost?
Happy Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Yes! He rose!

Special thanks to Mr. Abiodun Mabadeje -editor.
Seun Ayilara - author


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