One of the ways you can start making money online is to become an affiliate marketer. By reselling goods and services to your friends and family. What this simply entails is that you start making money from every of your referral that buys a product or service that you referred to them without you having to inflate the price.
1. JVZOO - link to join - Click Here
2. Konga - link to join - Click Here
3. Jumia - link to join - Click Here
4. Aliexpress - link to join - Click Here
Finally, you can also make money from YouTube videos through product placement. This is where you place products in your videos in order to promote them. For example, if you are reviewing a product, you could place a link to the product in your video. If someone buys the product after clicking on the link, you will earn a commission. To make money online, will be helpful as well.