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Showing posts from December, 2021

To the new breed

In 2013, I had concluded on leaving Christianity. At that time, I was done deceiving myself about the whole idea of what Christianity should  represent . I never came to Christ for survival (this I  know I  can achieve outside Christ), but for significance. And my sure measurement for that target is to see a national transformation at least. So, I came into Christianity because I thought His principles and the stories could help transform my Nation and eventually see a transformed kingdom both now (earth) and after (Heaven)     In fact, it was on that basis I got connected to everything and anything that represented Christ. And 2005, I became fascinated by Charlatan Sam  Adeleyemi  and everything around him also (there was one of his  messages  in 1997 at a PFN meeting, he preached passionately about mind transformation and how it would  ultimately lead  to National transformation.  And also  read his book titled "the 2nd ...

Be Ready!

One of the calamities that could happen to a society is seeing people increased in age and not fit in anyway for the responsibility ahead of them. Whether as a spouse, parent, business, political, social or religious leadership. And this same set of people would be pressured by just time or age to assume offices they were not mentally and intellectually prepared for. In 2022 affects something in your future do a research about where you would want to go, read something or watch a documentary just be ready.  End the accidental/opportunist leadership in Nigeria and Africa at large. #Beready

Life is Predictable

  One of the indications that a society is void of truth, is over dependency on favour and mercies  from a divine being. Life is not certain and definitely not predictable, because they feel they are at the mercy of a divine being. “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Ge 8:22 NKJV And eventually makes us irresponsible, we would prefer another life, family, society and Nation instead of working on ours. A week after our wedding I decided we were going to have budget for body and facial cream to do the necessary work for us to be physically attracted to each other. Talk to dashme I started gym, and maybe I would have enough courage to post my body someday. I started addressing things that could affect this Nation that were not. The charlatans on the pulpit and in politics. We started an NGO as a family. And our countless investment on our minds. Just yesterday MrsM...

The Government failed Nigeria, likewise the Family

  Government was not the only organization that is guilty, families were reckless too. With excessive bearing of children they can't train.  If you can not solve Nigeria's problem at least don't add to it, 'Oga' use condom and stop creating problem, your fruitiness should not just be in the area child bearing. Population will become a trouble when the economic productivity is not equal to the task.

The Tree And It's fruits

In the same chapter of the Bible where Jesus made It known not to judge, has it also stated there, that the true nature of anything can be revealed by it/his fruits. Jesus would differentiate judging from asserting a true nature of a tree/anything by it's fruits. So, when I say that the charlatans on the pulpit are not interested in Christ and do not know Christ; it is not judging them, it's a simple act of fact from studying them as trees and their fruits for at least  a decade. Then to outrightly ignore the fruits  just to make a point for a tree; is equal to what you will call a man's argument for addressing a tree as orange producing tree despite the fact it's only producing mangos'. Arguing a tree disposition or stand outside it's fruits would ultimately reveal a man's ignorance and his state of sanity. - Seun Ayilara Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Mt 7:20 NKJV