One of the indications that a society is void of truth, is over dependency on favour and mercies from a divine being.
Life is not certain and definitely not predictable, because they feel they are at the mercy of a divine being.
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Ge 8:22 NKJV
And eventually makes us irresponsible, we would prefer another life, family, society and Nation instead of working on ours.
A week after our wedding I decided we were going to have budget for body and facial cream to do the necessary work for us to be physically attracted to each other. Talk to dashme
I started gym, and maybe I would have enough courage to post my body someday.
I started addressing things that could affect this Nation that were not. The charlatans on the pulpit and in politics. We started an NGO as a family.
And our countless investment on our minds. Just yesterday MrsMe & I spent almost 6 hours in a conference.
I don't wish for another life, spouse, family, society and Nation because I am doing the work.
Life & God made life Predictable.
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