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Question: Should you Japa
Answer: Emphatic Yes!

People that Japa: Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus...

So what does it mean to Japa?
Japa (Sanskrit: जप) is the meditative repetition of a mantra or a divine name. It is a practice found in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. Japa may be performed while sitting in a meditation posture while performing other activities, or as part of formal worship in group settings.

According to the urban dictionary:
A flamboyant or usually gay individual. Usually frequents museums and yoga classes. Always has a special diet. Most of the time has weird sexual habits like ...

But urban dictionary meaning might not be relevant to this discussion, but the idea is that there are different meanings to the word 'Japa' depending on where you ask for its meaning.

To a Nigerian:
Japa. This slang is derived from the Yoruba language. Japa simply means 'to run swiftly' out of a dangerous situation. To 'Japa' means to abort, run, avoid, terminate, retreat or remove yourself from a situation.

One of the major qualities of wise people is their capacity to submit to superior thought faster than regular people. The learning, Un & Re learning process is super fast and easy.

In other to provide answers to the question of who, where & how to Japa. Let's look at these lives and how they 'JAPA'

Lot mistake was that he pitched his tent near/in Sodom. He should have Japa from it. Genesis 13:12 & 14:12

For Isaac God advised Him not to physically Japa just like his father (Abraham) but was led to Japa mentally from old farming systems to a new process which led to the discovery of the irrigation system of farming. Genesis 26:2-29

Moses's parents would  'Japa' him to Egypt for his safety, would later 'Japa' from Egypt then back to Egypt to lead the biggest revolution in history. Exodus 2

Joshua's & Caleb's tribe spent another 40years because of wrong association with the other 10 tribes of Israel. Numbers 13:30-32

Joseph & Mary were instructed to Japa from Herod, while Jesus would be led (Japa) into the wilderness. Mathew 2:13-14, 4:1-2

What then is common, that these people would Japa from?  'people ' or 'land'.
They were not running from the land but the people.

Which continent is best suitable and habitable for man? Africa! You shouldn't even think about it twice, with little or zero natural disasters, the best weather condition and the best natural resources in commercial quantity Africa would top the chart.

But which of the continents has the best brain and functional system?
Of course, Africa would not even be an option for many.

What build systems and infrastructures?
What then is an average emigrant japaing from? People & their ideologies.

One of the major qualities of wise people is their capacity to submit to superior thought faster than regular people. Learning to Un & Re learn process is super fast and easy.

When Japa is wrong
When Moses in Egypt decides not to embrace the learning college of the palace (before B.C., the best educational institution was in the Palace of Pharaoh). Then refused to understand the reason behind the 40 years he lived in the wilderness to get acclimatized to the system of wilderness.

And not to understand that there is always that bigger picture: A revolutionary would be born to deliver his people.

After Esther had Japa to the palace, in the heat of instability in the camp of her people, Mordecai reminded her of the bigger picture.

When a Japaist ideal for running is forever, this could be said to be wrong. No matter how long Moses spent in the palace of Egypt, he's still an Israeli.

Japa with the bigger picture in mind.

How to 'Japa'
We moved from analogue to digital, we entered into the borderless era. The world became a global village and with the development of the metaverse, it's here.
Books are now available everywhere and in whatever shape.

If you understand what you are japaing from which is the people (mindset and ideologies) as an African emigrant then to Japa physically has become part of the option and not the only option anymore, thanks to books and technology.

How I put technology to a test, revolutionalized my perspective. After reading 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' in 2005,  I went to a cyber cafe and sent a mail to the email at the back of the book, I expressed how I would love to make the author my financial mentor, in about 30 - 60 minutes after, my mum's phone rang, guess who called? Robert Kiyosaki.

Furthermore, T.D Jake's led a team in 2006 there about to produce an audio Bible 'The  Bible Experience' still the best audio Bible I have ever listened to.

With access to books and technology, how Moses would Japa in the 21st century would be a lot different than then.

Be deliberate with your Social life, watch your feeds and carefully feed it also.

Minds build cities not natural resources, if your mind sustains the same level of information from where you Japa from, for a  fact if you like to go to Buckingham Palace, you will remain the exact you that Japa. And I don't care what ghetto you physically live in, if your mind/social media feeds do not reflect this, it's a matter of time before you start experiencing huge positive change.

I had only travelled once out of Nigeria, but you can hardly tell due to my experience and exposure to books and technology.

Recently, I showed someone how he could see real-time videos of some streets of New York via 'Google Earth' and other real-time 'live cam'.

How you or your child can attend live classes anywhere in the world? You could also access the best doctors anywhere in the world all on your smartphone.

Thanks to books and technology I have longed Japa from the mediocre,  unproductive, religious and consumer-driven mindsets of average Nigerians/Africans.

I think you too should Japa from the mediocre and unproductive, religious mindset, but how? I will suggest, Virtually or Metaverse (through books & technology).

The End.


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