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The unhappy Christian & Citizen

Personally, I think religion is never the root cause of our problem, the root cause is ignorance. Then ignorance to some extent created some degree of poverty.

In 1983, because of what religion promised, people turned to religion in mass (reference point: the story of naija by olanrewaju - YouTube)

During this time also, the society and family and every other structures submitted to the authority of religion especially Christianity. (This explains why Nigerians would do praise and worship at a business meeting/seminar) and even at sport events (Check ongoing AFCON).

On a normal day, this should be a good thing, because a righteous Nation is a blessed Nation? But with Nigeria the result is totally the opposite.

These egoistic, self centered charlatans on the pulpit were much more interested in building their empires than people/Nation.


What should be done to an antidote or medicine that has underperform, throw it away/keep it? Don't let sentiment get in your way, let's your conscience and consciousness guide you.

As at 1980, Nigeria's population was about 73.4 millions, which means we had lesser population to transform their minds as compared to over 200 millions Nigerians in 2022. There were still some functional sectors then, that we've converted to dead end worship centres or mini open-air centres for excapists.

Today after 38 years of experiment, with the least operational time of mainstream churches to be at least 25 years (including mummy g.o's church). It's obviously obvious, these paraded charlatans on the pulpit can not produce better people not to talk of a Nation.

Now, they openly advised their charlatanic members (who don't think) to get visa to escape from a country they have made inhabitable/worst than they met it. The testimony of Visa is a major testimony amongst any of the mainstream churches in Nigeria. They are clueless and helpless to the problems they once promised they were capable of solving.

And they would be unable to do so because the structures or systems that produced them is same with what produced the charlatans in politics.

The likes of charlatan Adeboye fit into Ibrahim Babangida, Buhari's of these world. Oyedepo is the tinubu's and the rest would fit into the shoes of the likes of Yahyah Belo's, El Rufai, Lai etc.


What should be done to an antidote or medicine that has underperform, throw it away/keep it? Don't let sentiment get in your way, let's your conscience and consciousness guide you.. 

Take back the buildings turn it to research & manufacturing centers, schools, and factories

Take back pray for me, pray for yourself.

Take back the learning institute from it and give it back to informal and formal education sectors

Take back prophecy from it and give it back to time and season (Nature), science & politics.

Take back your conviction from it and give back to your guts.

Take back your righteousness from it and give it back to your conscience.

Take back your father from it and give it back to biological parents / Christ.

Take back your money (tithe & offering) from it and give it to government (taxes) widow and the needy (charity).

Take back the individualistic mindset and give it back to Nationalism.

Take back "my Charlatan said" and give it back to what Christ is saying - facts and Science

Take back your religion give it back to spirituality.

I hope you get the point, we can not continue with the method that has brought us here. Before somebody say but Noah built the arc for over 100 years. At least Noah stayed on his assignment/responsibility. Stop following the Charlatan that no longer believe in the progress of us as a Nation. If one win, we all wins (vice-versa) at least sports should have taught us that.

Unlike your regular charlatans, I am here because I know Christ's philosophies (of Truth-knowledge and love - inclusivity) are the real solutions to our problem as a Nation. these charlatans don't know Him and they have never met Him.

From unhappy Christian and Citizen.

Seun Ayilara


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