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Love is the force!

I know you are angry, and I am too. But just before we let loose our anger consider these:

A mad man, once slapped me at the back of my head, was I angry he did that? Yes, very angry. If I drag the matter with him, what do you think would happen? And do you think many would process the situation other than this - Obviously two madmen trashing out issues.

It is obvious that there is visible darkness amongst us and not just some set of people in this country. But should the light be complaining about what it was meant to solve? 

We are all paying for the consequences of our inability to light up our Nation. Someone asked me, what then is the potent power, what can a Christian do in this matter? My response: 'love' is the most potent force on the planet with great rewards, only that it is not immediate. In the bid to grow empires, some of these charlatans dropped the potent tool to pick some other immediate rewarding tool e.g force/fear.

We can't get rewarded with/in Christ using another tool than Love. And that is why we must depart from the charlatans and their charlatanic messages and then return to Christ's message of love, else I see the status- quo remaining the order, forever. A man that is mad would not suddenly come to his consciousness without an external force, the force in this case should be love.

The only time the religion of Islam is a religion of peace is when it is echoed. Hausas & Fulanis are one of the most reserved ethnicity in Nigeria they are peaceful until religion is the subject of discussion. And they go contrary to (peace) this fact (99% out of 100%) when it's a religion-related matter.

Christianity is yet to infiltrate that part of the world because we're not with/in love yet.

Love is the force! ( I can only imagine how loving the Hausas & Fulanis community would be with the true ideologies of Christ).


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