Many people's thought on Japa is wrong because they are yet to understand the perspective of God's plan for Japa. Yes there is a part of God's view of Japa for instance, Moses and Jesus' Japa
God did not Japa Moses just for physical protection, think about the story again but not as a churchgoer. Pharaoh wanted to kill every male child born at a particular time of the Israelite's descendants and the only place God thought of protecting him from the sword of Pharaoh is to take him to the palace. Think about that 🤔
Moses represented a deliverer it was because of this that Pharaoh was all out to kill him. So what then would be the major reason God would have to send Moses to Pharaoh's palace?
God needed to train a deliverer, what's the possible place you think that would have been possible to achieve? In the slave society of about 300years of slavery (acting and talking like slaves), or in the best school available at about that time which is 'Pharaoh's palace'. And in case you are not aware the palace even to the present day is still the best/finest school ever. Consider a child raised in Buckingham palace and a child raised on the streets.
And it was this knowledge that would make Moses develop certain qualities to access and also negotiate the freedom of the Israelites.
In modern-day stories of countries that deliberately invested in their Moses to be sent to Pharaoh's palace are Japan, India, China etc.
So how come Africa has not raised Moses despite the high level of emigration/Japa?
Two reasons
Moses should concentrate on knowledge and not space. The whole essence of emigration/Japa should be seen from the angle of knowledge/learning systems/institutions and not for the sake of 'never to meet again' (space/place).
The 2nd is that any person with a touch/exposure to the palace systems/institutions lives beyond survival, Moses was entitled to the throne when he left all that for his people. But such a price will be too much for a survivalist.
Mind you technology has changed the dynamics of Japa, you can and should Japa from the slavery institutions.
You can school, work, and learn outside the physical environment you live in. I Japa from Nigeria years ago without physically relocating. And I am of the strong opinion that God would have implored a different Japa style with the technology available now than what He did with Moses and Jesus.
Your life can be more and should be than you, if Moses had failed guess what? Israelites/God would have to look elsewhere.
Moses' Japa
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