Jesus knew some in the crowd were not following because of what he was preaching but because of the food which was the bait.
Following me just because of a doctored image of the idea that I might or not be doing okay is low-level followership. Jesus was not interested in such followership and equally myself.
If the reason for your followership is because of food and the baits then you are not a follower, I repeat you are not a follower. I know the charlatans in politics and on pulpits do not mind this transactional followership but christ and I do mind.
Just like said he knows his followers and they know him, I also know those who are following for the truth and not the look-like packaged near-success images called 'bait' (because the truth is this if you are in Nigeria or a Nigerian you are poor because no person can be truly prosperous outside his/her Nation).
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