One thing that has made African Christianity wack is that we tend to teach personality rather than ideology. Our lack of depth is probably based on where we are coming from as people, have reduced us to the surface and not the full insight into what (Christianity) Christ's ideological look-a-likes should be about. This was a mistake Christ himself avoided which is why even the devil would not also make it.
Check places where the devil was talked about in the Bible and also introduced you can't but agree that even the devil would rather remain an ideology than spread a personality. Because for you to be above the 3D (third dimension) world you must be above personality, flesh and face. You must be truly virtual and the only thing that can transcend from these two realities effortlessly is message/ideology and not personality.
One of the more substantial parts of this is that anything that is solidly backed by a message or ideology does not care how they are physically represented, in fact, Christ and God would consider this very unnecessary. But I get it I know where the religion of glorifying the messenger over the message came from thinking about what Africans had been through (with long years of languishing in slavery and colonization) you can't but help to see personality rather than ideology. Africans must have lost something and it is their ability to see beyond the face/personality that is a mission impossible because all their lives they have also been crippled by the self-imposed slavery culture they now believed in the man or king rather than the message/kingdom.
But you brought your old self and the un-redeemed self to an ideological God space and the charlatans on the pulpit considering that they are also a product of colonization and slavery only took the opportunity to exploit you rather than helping you to renew this mind of yours.
Beyond the Physical Cross part1
Kingdom(message) is higher than the King(messenger).
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