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Investing in Africa's Minds

Hello Africans you're welcome once more let's say you're not investing in Africans Minds is not doing us any good we can't get better without investment in our minds I mean in our people enough of all these investments in the land without investing in the actual people that are responsible for developing it you know there's an adage in Africa with the Yoruba's I'm going to translate the aphorism and it says "a child that you've failed to train and to invest in would be the one to sell the property or the land that you have decided to invest in once his of age why is he going to sell it because it doesn't have any value for it as far as the land is it just wastes it's just another way to be converted into money and such person is going to jump at the offer at any offer presented for such properties

'Omo ti ako lo ma gbe ile ti a ko ta'

and we can't continue this way I see the same mistake in this Century that we are still making the same mistake all over again putting our investment in land buying lands buying houses building buildings even though those things are not wrong to do but first thing first the minds will develop the lands, not the lands will develop the mind no you've seen it you've seen how Africa it's been exploited over and over again the lands being exploited with African Minds because the minds were not developed they can't see value for Cocoa Beyond just a waste of a black thing they can't see the value they can convert that cocoa from that form into the chocolate we've not been able to transform our crude into different oils is a waste and it will be we will jump at any offer at all once it's been presented so for us to stop this madness invest in an African mind invest in people pull the investment in someone's mind and in your mind and not on the land or on the field


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